Bookings, accommodation and Big nights out survey
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Hi all. Well I'm getting booked up to the gunnels this year with wedding gigs and birthday parties but of course there's still enough space to fit you in somewhere if you just give us a bell or fill out the enquiry form. you never know...
Well Becky and I are looking for a bigger place to operate from. This maisonette is just too damn small! We looked at an idilic place for rent in the countryside near here the other day. We didn't have an appointment with the agent yet but we had the address so we went and had a look. We drove for about a mile up a very bumpy track with more pot holes than the Roux brother's kitchen, at which point I was thinking about the possible long term vehicle damage that may occur should we go for it. We eventually found the place. It needed a lot of work and rubbish clearance but it had all the space we were looking for and I psyched myself up to the task. Also when we looked at the sat nav we discovered that the exit was just a couple of yards from the main road so no long track full of exhaust-wrenching divets! I finally managed to contact the agent on Tuesday and alas, They said "Which web site did you see it on? It's been reserved already for some time". Pah! Might have known it was too good to be true. Damn those buggers who don't update their sites! Never mind. We'll keep looking. I dream about having a garage etc. where I can load up the DJ Console hard drives without having to block off the front door and only fire exit in the process. Having enough space to keep a spare set of bass bins etc. and have an office space for both of us to set our desks up next to or opposite each other. Becks has been very good about it, Setting up her humble laptop on the dining room table with her printer underneath. The great thing about having an office of course is that it's seperate from the lounge so when you finished work you can go out of the room and concentrate on relaxing instead of constantly going back to the dreaded 'puter..
That being said; is it me or is TV barely worth watching these days? I've bought a freesat HD box but I've got to the stage where content aside, I can hardly tell the difference any more. Oh well, We'll soon have to sell the bloody lot and buy a 3D set up anyway. We'll all be sat round the living room with hideous glasses on all evening. Hmm... trendy 3d glasses. There's a growth market if ever I spotted one! Take heed entrepreneurs!
Well if you haven't already done so and you want somewhere to go out in the Chichester area, Please fill out my surveynow. You could win a meaty sized (storage) Ipod classic just for a one page questionnaire and the only writing you have to do is your email address. Deal or what?
Until next time, Here's some classic wedding related comedy:
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